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Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

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Dead by Daylight: Console Launch Trailer - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Dead by Daylight is an asymmetric survival horror online multiplayer video game developed by Behaviour Interactive and published by Starbreeze Studios. Dead by Daylight was released for the Microsoft Windows operating system in June 2016, and released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One home consoles in June 2017. The game is 4v1 with one player acting as the killer and four players acting as survivors, whose sole intent is to kill or survive, respectively.

Video Dead by Daylight


A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer, in an enclosed area at night. The survivors' perspectives are third-person, while the killer's perspective is first-person.


When playing as a survivor, players assume the role of Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, Laurie Strode, William 'Bill' Overbeck, Ace Visconti, Feng Min, David King, or Quentin Smith. The goal of the survivors is to escape the enclosed area, which can be done in one of two ways: either by repairing a certain number of disabled generators (usually, the number of generators is one greater than the number of survivors playing) to provide power to switches which open large, metal doors leading out of the area; or by escaping through the blacklock, a hatch. There are two ways to access this hatch. It either opens when there is one survivor left and at least two generators have been successfully repaired, or it simply appears when the number of repaired generators is one greater than the number of survivors that are still alive. In the latter case, the survivors will need a key to open the hatch. The hatch will appear at one of several predetermined locations. The survivors' movement options consist of sprinting, walking, crouch-walking, or crawling. They must elude the killer by using the darkness, crouching behind objects, and hiding in buildings, foliage, or inside lockers.

The survivors have the option to utilize up to four perks per match that affect how they play each game. Each of the survivors has a set of three unique-to-them perks that are only available to that survivor until the ability to teach them to other survivors is unlocked. These perks can be unlocked and upgraded in the Bloodweb using bloodpoints and each blood web can only hold up to two perks. These perks can range from giving a burst of speed when running from the killer, to being able to self-heal without a first aid kit, to unlocking the ability to sabotage meat hooks without a toolbox. There are also a multitude of 'universal' perks that are available to unlock by any survivor.

In dealing with the killer, survivors can also make use of a handful of items and traps in the area - searching chests inside buildings will sometimes yield first-aid kits (which allow the survivors to heal themselves rather than wait for a teammate), flashlights (which can be used to temporarily blind the killer), toolboxes (which can be used both to repair generators faster and to disable the sacrificial meat hooks), broken key (does a variety of things depending on its addons), maps (which locate all the generators or more depending on its rarity and addons), dull key (which can be used to open the hatch whenever it's found), and skeleton key (which does a variety of things depending on its addons and can be used to open the hatch). One trap that survivors can use is a massive wooden pallet, which are placed upright, and can be pulled down when a survivor runs past them - if the killer is right behind them, the pallet will stun the killer for a brief period of time. The survivors can vault over fallen pallets, while the killer has to destroy them or go around. They can also climb through windows. The killer can go through windows too, but does it significantly slower.

Other technical advantages that survivors have include the ability to see the aura of downed and hooked teammates - thus easily drawing them to their location for a rescue - and can similarly see the locations of newly repaired generators and the exit doors for a short period of time once all necessary generators are repaired. When the killer is near, the survivors will hear a heartbeat, and eventually tense music, both of which increase in intensity with proximity to the killer. They can also see a red light emanating from the killer's eyes, which shows his/her approximate field of view.


As the killer, players assume the role of either the Trapper, the Wraith, the Hillbilly, the Nurse, Michael Myers, the Hag, the Doctor, the Huntress, Leatherface, or Freddy Krueger; each of which has his/her own unique ability. The killer cannot run or crouch, but simply walks at a very fast pace which is slightly faster than the pace of a sprinting survivor. When hunting the survivors, the killer must capture them by either striking them twice with his/her weapon (the first hit reduces the survivor to a limp, while the second hit drops them to crawling on the ground), or can grab them in one move by either catching them inside lockers, while attempting to vault over pallets or through windows, while repairing a generator, trying to save a fellow survivor on a hook or attempting to escape through a trap door.

The killer can initially only kill the survivors by throwing them on one of the many meat hooks in the area and waiting for the claws of the 'Entity' to eventually finish off the survivor, carrying their soul into the sky. After a player has earned enough experience points as the killer, however, certain single-use items called 'Mori's can be unlocked that include the ability to finish off survivors instantly with their weapon, rather than the lengthy process of taking them to the meat hooks.

The first time a survivor is hooked they enter the first phase. In this phase only, the player can try for a low (4%) chance of escaping the hook at the cost of accelerating their death upon failure to escape based on their 'hook health' (at full, granting up to four chances). Players can also be rescued by fellow survivors. If the player escapes or is saved and is hooked a second time they will enter the struggle state, in which the player has to resist the entity trying to stab him/her by pressing the spacebar continuously until saved by an ally or killed by the 'Entity'. If the player escapes or is saved again and is hooked a third time they will die instantly with no opportunity of survival.

The killer, despite walking at a fast pace, is slower in most other movements: After striking a player, the killer will slow their movement to wipe the blood off their weapon. The killer is also slower in climbing through windows, and cannot leap over the pallets survivors can lay into their path, but can spend a lengthy amount of time destroying the barricades. The killer also has an aura reading ability similar to the survivors, only for the killer it can be used to see the locations of every single generator, totem and meat hook on the map. A new mechanic was also added in update 1.5.0 which introduced bloodlust. Twelve seconds into a chase, the killer gets a 0.2 m/s boost; 24 seconds into a chase gives the killer a 0.6 m/s boost; and finally, if a chase lasts for 32 seconds, the killer gets a 1.2 m/s boost. These effects only last until a chase ends in which the effects go down 10% every second spent not chasing a survivor, a pallet is broken (this lowers bloodlust down 1 level), and when a survivor is hit (this removes bloodlust completely). This was added to prevent a time wasting mechanic known as "pallet looping", which is when a survivor runs around pallets for an extended period of time so the rest of the team can complete generators, and instead encourages the survivor to break line of sight and completely escape from the killer.


Interacting with most objects and actions in the game causes random Skill Checks to trigger. When a skill check triggers, a needle appears within a circle on-screen and quickly spins around, the player must hit either the space bar or the left mouse button when the needle is within a certain randomly chosen section of the circle before the needle passes it. Failing a skill check has multiple consequences based on the action being taken.

Repairing each generator takes a lengthy period of time and makes a rather small mechanical noise during the process. Failing a repair skill check will cause an explosion that will set the progress of the generator repair back and make a loud noise alerting the killer where the player is and what they are up to. The killer has also been granted the ability to damage generators at a very slow rate for 90 seconds. This process can be stopped simply by survivors fixing the generator for a second. If nothing is done for 90 seconds, the process of the generator is reduced by 25%, putting survivors in a disadvantage for waiting too long.

Sabotaging a hook takes a significantly shorter amount of time than repairing a generator but is considerably louder. To sabotage a hook, survivors must be equipped with a 'tool kit' or have the Saboteur perk active. Skill checks are more common during this action than when repairing a generator. Failing a sabotage skill check makes a loud banging sound, also setting back progress and alerting the killer.

Healing yourself or your allied survivors can take drastically different lengths of time depending on multiple factors such as if they have a first aid kit, certain perks active, killer debuffs and whether the player is healing themselves or an ally. Skill checks are as common as when repairing but have a slightly less severe consequence when failed. Failing a healing skill check still reduces the progress of the action but the wail made by the survivor being healed is quieter than the other explosions and bangs, but still alerts the killer of your location within a certain range.

If a survivor is caught by the killer, they are picked up and usually carried to the nearest meat hook. During this time they can attempt to wiggle out of the killer's grasp before they reach the hook, and attempt to run away. If the killer succeeds in impaling a survivor on one of the many meat hooks in the area, a teammate can rescue the impaled survivor or, more rarely, the impaled survivor (with a 4% chance) can pull themselves off the hook (although attempting this is likely to backfire and injure the survivor further, drawing them closer to death).

Once all generators are repaired, a survivor must find a switch next to one of two the possible exit doors and hold it for 10 seconds in order to open the door. The game only ends when all survivors have either escaped or have been killed - thus, while some survivors may escape and finish early, those still inside must keep playing. Players who have escaped or died have the ability to observe the remaining players through the game's conclusion, or return to the menu and join a new game.

If only one survivor remains then repairing generators can become nearly impossible. An alternative escape method would be to use the "Black Lock" which is a hatch on the ground that spawns in a random area after the number of generators repaired equals one more than there are survivors left alive in the game (i.e. 3 generators repaired with only 2 survivors still living). The hatch spawns closed but when only one survivor remains then it will open automatically. While closed it can be opened if one survivor has a "Dull Key" or a "Skeleton Key" and will remain open for 30 seconds, allowing any remaining survivors to hop in and escape.


Both survivors and killers are able to unlock items, perks, and offerings through the Bloodweb. Every action performed in a match gives the player a number of Bloodpoints, and the sum are added to the player's total at the end of the match. Each level of the Bloodweb is procedurally generated, and gets larger as the character gains levels. The rewards are connected to each other in a radial tree, and players must purchase rewards along the progression path to gain access to others. Once every reward on the tree has been purchased, the Bloodweb will generate a new level for the player to progress to, increasing that character's level. Once the character reaches level 50 they will be given the option to prestige. While given the option, they will still be able to buy things from the blood web but will not increase their level. Once prestiged, characters will reset their level, items, offerings, and addons in exchange for a better chance for rarer items in the bloodweb and a bloody coat (prestige one), bloody trousers or weapon for killer (prestige two), and a bloody face (prestige three). These effects are irreversible and cannot be undone.

The Bloodweb may contain items, add-ons for items that increase their efficiency, offerings that can be spent at the start of the round to influence the match's conditions, and perks that make the character more powerful. Offerings and add-ons may only be used in one match, whereas items can be re-used until the player dies or loses them, and perks are permanent. Items can also be acquired from chests on the map, but this does not affect the character's Bloodweb. Since a killer's special ability is tied to their item and killers are invulnerable, their items are permanent and cannot be changed.

Maps Dead by Daylight



The game takes place across seven locales which are based on the places the killers became murderers: The MacMillan Estate (Trapper), Autohaven Wreckers (Wraith), Coldwind Farm (Hillbilly), Crotus Prenn Asylum (Nurse), Haddonfield (Myers), Backwater Swamp (Hag), Léry's Memorial Institute (Doctor), the Red Forest (Huntress), and Badham Preschool (Nightmare). Over time, the evilness of their actions accumulated there until it attracted the attention of the Entity, an unknown force of darkness from a place with no name. Most locales are split into multiple maps with similar features but small variations.


Every locale and map features a map-specific building or landmark that remains in the same place in the map every game. Every map also features a building known as "The Shack" which is the same throughout all maps and appears a different one of a few predetermined locations in the map. Every new game, a room known as the "Basement" is placed under either the map-specific building or the shack.

The Basement is a special room consisting of 1 item chest for the survivors to scavenge in, and 4 cabinets for them to hide in. It's also home to a special 4-pointed hook that cannot be sabotaged and does not break after a survivor has been sacrificed on it. The basement is a favourite tool of the killers and a feared landmark for the survivors as there is only one way in and one way out, making it a very secure place for killers to bring their victims without fear of other survivors saving them. Because of this danger, survivors are awarded a small number of points for even venturing into the basement.

Dead by Daylight : Conferindo o Game - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


The Entity, a supernatural being hailing from the ancient blood web, is awakened from its slumber whenever it is summoned by actions of great violence and malice. The killers, exclusively serial murderers, are pulled out of reality by it and convinced to do its bidding. In order to maintain its existence, the Entity requires sacrifices, and demands that they hunt and kill the survivors so it can feed off their hope and steal a piece of their soul upon death. Then they are brought back to life to repeat the trial, endlessly attempting to escape.

The survivors are pulled into the Entity's constructed world when they wander too close to the places the killers were taken from, disappearing from the real world without a trace. They end up at a lonely campfire, where they rest between trials, until a killer pursues them again. Escaping from the grounds always takes the survivors back to the campfire, and offerings can be created to be burnt at it and appeal for the Entity's favour. Since the Entity feeds off the hope of the survivors to escape, it helps them just as much as the killers, acting as an impartial observer of the hunt, stepping in only to claim those hung on its hooks.

Dead by Daylight for Xbox One review: Four players struggle to ...
src: www.windowscentral.com


Dead by Daylight received "mixed" reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic. GameSpot awarded it a score of 6 out of 10, saying "Dead by Daylight executes the concept of a competitive horror game well, but only to a point."

Dead by Daylight sales topped one million units two months after its release and had reached 1.8 million units on PC by the end of 2016.

Dead by Daylight: Of Flesh and Mud Teaser - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com



Dead by Daylight for Xbox One review: Four players struggle to ...
src: www.windowscentral.com

External links

  • Official website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
